Airport restrooms for people with disabilities and special needs provide ample space, equipped with grab bars, low sinks, and emergency call buttons.
T3 - Arrival Floor
T3 - Baggage reclaim - next to smoking room
T3 - Baggage reclaim
T4 - Baggage reclaim - Next to Albilad Bank ATM
T4 - Baggage reclaim
Opening hours
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Accessible toilets
These are larger in size to accommodate wheelchairs and have grab bars for support.
Lowered sinks
Sinks that are positioned lower for easier access from a wheelchair.
Grab bars
Positioned near toilets and sinks to assist with stability and movement.
Accessible showers
Roll-in showers with bench seating and grab bars for ease of use.
Space for caregivers
Extra space to accommodate caregivers if necessary.
Emergency pull cords
Located within reach in case assistance is needed.
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24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Restrooms for People with disabilities
Airport restrooms for people with disabilities and special needs provide ample space, equipped with grab bars, low sinks, and emergency call buttons.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Baggage Services
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