Airport wheelchair services assist passengers with limited mobility. Request in advance or at check-in. Staff helps with navigation, boarding, and disembarkation.
T1 - Departure Floor
T4 - Departure Floor
T5 - Arrival Floor
Opening hours
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
8001248100Explore wheelchair options
Travel with your own wheelchair
Wheelchair Service
King Khalid International Airport ensures accessible travel for all passengers through comprehensive wheelchair assistance. Available through all airlines' check-in counters, our wheelchair service caters to elderly travelers and guests with special needs. For seamless assistance, we recommend informing your airline of mobility requirements during booking or at least 48 hours before your flight. This complimentary service is part of our commitment to making air travel comfortable and accessible for everyone.
Travel without your own wheelchair
No wheelchair?
At KKIA, we ensure seamless mobility for all passengers. Complimentary wheelchair service is available. Simply request wheelchair assistance from our "Ask Me Team". This service is provided free of charge for elderly travelers and guests with special needs.
Price per day
All Terminals
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
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